
Q: I am curious about auctions. Is it best to have them in rooms or on-site? And what exactly is a “vendor bid”? Danny S. A: What a great, topical question – especially with all the talk in the media about how auction clearance rates have dropped in the past few weeks. Auctions are a very popular method of sale in Auckland and it surprises me how some agents fail to explain the process to their clients when it is so important to the sale. …

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Agency Agreements

Q: I had an agent knock on my door a couple of days ago. He told me he has a number of people interested in my property and asked if he could show them through. We are not really thinking of selling, although of course we would at the right price! I was happy to let him bring someone through but he tells me we have to sign a listing agreement first. Can’t he just show someone through and then we can sign if they want to buy it? Thanks, Jeremy…

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