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Why isn't my Home Selling?

Q: We put our home on the market 3 months  ago (auction) and had no bids. Since then we  have put a price on it but we haven’t received  one written offer. Our agent is a lovely lady but  we just don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Any suggestions? Diana C. A: There is nothing as frustrating for a home seller as their home not selling, and I’m sure your agent feels the same way too! There are a number of possible reasons, but the most obvio…

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What is a Final Inspection

Q: I purchased a house at auction last week.  I have been told I have the right to a ‘final inspection’. What does that mean exactly?  Alison M. A: Congratulations on your purchase! Yes, you have the right to inspect your new home prior to taking possession at settlement (when the exchange of funds and the title takes place). The final inspection entitles you to look through the property to ensure that it is ‘as inspected’ i.e. it is in the …

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Can you trust on-line valuations?

Q: We are looking at buying, but find it really hard to get a price indication on auction or  ‘by neg’ properties. How accurate is it to use  the CV of an online estimate of the sale price?  Julie and Bruce A: Didn’t your mother ever tell you “Don’t believe everything you read online”! There are some real problems with online valuations. No-one  has actually looked at the property. Basically the estimate is the result of a computer algorithm…

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Can you trust on-line valuations?

Q: We are looking at buying, but find it really hard to get a price indication on auction or  ‘by neg’ properties. How accurate is it to use  the CV of an online estimate of the sale price?  Julie and Bruce A: Didn’t your mother ever tell you “Don’t believe everything you read online”! There are some real problems with online valuations. No-one  has actually looked at the property. Basically the estimate is the result of a computer algorithm…

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